Monday, December 1, 2008
Catching up... sorry....
I have started to be very busy with my hair business so I will not be spending much time on here at all!!
I can back up a bit and share some fun in the last week... On Tuesday night The Man and I along with his best friend and son went to AC/DC... I was really not excited and just knew the guitar solos were going to make me scratch my eyes out.. but I actually LOVED the whole concert!! it was great we were 12 rows from the stage!! We were in AWWWWE!!! UNTIL the next day.. Wednesday The Man had to be at work by 5:30.. and I had an hangover from HELLLLLLL... and I had only 3 beers!!!! I threw up 4 times!!!!! geesh!!! I think it had more to do with the fact that I had not eaten and then drank!!!! Hummmm.. maybe that is why I LOVED the concert so much.. :) I will post pictures.. we only took the cell camera because The Man was sure no cameras were allowed!!!! (goes to prove you should never listen to a man!!!)
Thanksgiving was great.. food was great The Man got off work by 1 so we had the afternoon together! and everyone was well behaved!!! We also had Christmas with Stan's parents because we are not going to be together on the actual day!! I got a Wii Fit!! and did my first 30 minutes yesterday and i am SORE today!!!!
Oh one more reason I have been away for so long...... UMMMM I have been reading like a HOUND... I am on my 4th book in the Twilight series!! and I have seen Twilight 2 times!!! lol...I am about 1/2 way through the last book and I can not put it down.. I will have read allllll 4 books in less than a MONTH that is a BIG thing for ME!!! and I am quite proud of myself!! (pat on the back!!!)
Friday I went to the mall with my dear friend Chelle!! It was sooooo fun.. I didn't even realize the amount of people there until I tried to get out of the parking lot!!! MY goodness!! We shared stories, gossiped (NOT US) and enjoyed the company.. Her sisters and mom were there as well and it was great to see them all.. We are going to be together again in Jan. and I am very excited to spend more time together!!!! :) It was also Chelle's 40th bday which she celebrated gracefully.. as Chelle always has!!! She makes 40 look like 20!!! Just more mature and in control of herself!!! :) I am glad I got be be in on part of her BIG day with her!!!
I am putting up Christmas this week... We have a new tree that I am VERY excited about.. I just have to get the MEN of the house to lug it all up out of the basement so I can get started!!!!!! YIPPEE.. although the underneath of the tree will be EMPTY due to the Pool table/hockey table/ping pong table that we got and sat up on Thanksgiving day because we needed all the MAN power that we could and they were all here soooo WHAT THE HECK.... Sunshine had a great idea to wrap up boxes of cereal for under the tree... I think I just might do that!!! and they will each have a few small things as well!!!!
So now that I have rambled!!! I need to go.. today is my day at Simba's school and then a entire day of hair appts.!!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunshine didn't make state at her DECA districts.. and hasn't wanted to talk about it much so I left it alone.. (sometimes better with the females of the house!) She went straight for competition to work, which I saw her later when we hit the BIG concert.. NKOTB.. By the way I saw that shirt running around alll over the place and it took oooooohhh about 15 minutes to sink in what it stood for!! LOL geesh, sometimes the blonde highlights work to my advantage!! :)
By the way the NEW KIDS are MEN!!!! (wow imagine that) and are Quite attractive!!!!!! The friend that I went with has some picts. I will post as soon as she forwards them to me.. Oh and by the way ... we REALLLLY partied... I had a Vanilla Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL and she had another coffee concoction!!! Needless to say we were home by 11:ish and I was WIRED... so I read my New Moon.. OMG it is good... Now there are WEREWOLVES!!! Who would have ever thought I would be this addicted to something sooooooo.. um FUN!!! I can't put it down.. I am about 3/4 finished... I better be on the hunt for the next one... and I AM going to TWILIGHT Friday if I have to go by my self!! Since The Man said "oh great you want me to take you to a romance movie that is SCARY!!!!" He by the way HATES both!! LOL welllll thats what he wants everyone to believe although he still says Titanic was one of his favorites... ummmm just a bit romantic at times... LOL.
I got nudged into starting a Facebook... I kept getting invites.. so what the heck.. like I said one more thing to distract me from Laundry.. Like the books aren't doing that ALREADY..
It is actually quite fun and I hooked up with an old friend that moved our Sophomore year, and I had been looking for here on EVERYTHING! Also hooked up with Chelle.. who was the one who nudged me over there. And her wonderful sis Barbie!!! I love those Girls!!!!!!!
Welll..better hit the is almost that time.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A big day
Also Sunshine is going to District competition with DECA today.. at Johnson and Whales!! Her FAVORITE place on EARTH!!! so I hope that goes well!!
Simba is NOT happy with me this morning... I MADE him wear a coat to school.. we had a small snow fall last night and I thought it was a good idea (call me DUMB) when we got to the bus stop.. ALLL the kids had coats on, given Aaron's coat is a North Face NICE coat.. he was grumbling.. it's itchy, I look fat.. blah blah blah!! So I pointed out a 5th grader that it was obvious his coat was a few years old and MUCH too small and told him now at least you don't look like HIM... about that time the bus came and his best friend had not come to the bus stop yet.. he says to me welllll.. if Nick has his coat on then I will be okay..but.. if he doesn't I am going to be MAD .. as he got out and was walking to the bus here came Nick..... COAT LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the time Nick caught up to Simba... Simba had unzipped and ripped his coat off!!! I was laughing inside!! Geesh.. He is like a pre-teen GIRL!!!! I SWEAR!!!! He is going to be the death of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Man is busy getting everything ready for a BIG BIG job at Coors, they are doing it over Thanksgiving.. (one of the only times Coors shuts down to do this kind of work).. he has been going to meetings about meetings and training on training.. I swear men make jobs sooo much harder.. there is a lot riding on this project.. it has NEVER been done before.. and if it goes well they will get a lot of recognition!! They are labeled the Best of the Best and have gotten many bonuses and awards for the work they have done.. should be interesting!! I hope it goes well.. He also found out the is going to Shenandoah, Virginia for training on the 7th of December.. for 3 days.. I hear it is sooo pretty there...??
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I'm baaackkkk

We met up with Minnie's Mr. CA and his kids and it was also fun to meet the kids and also ride rides with them!! They pressured me into riding the Tower of Terror and I SWORE I would NEVER NEVER NEVER ride it again!!! It was kinda fun!!
By the way we had one totally HOT day and 2 pretty chilly and windy days.. but chilly there is way different than chilly here!! LOL
My hair show was amazing.. it was called the International Hair color exchange.. and it was about 300 hair colorists whom did nothing but share ideas, formulas and allll kind of information I am still processing it all... it was GREAT!! Well worth the $$$!!!!
I am also reading Twilight!! I am almost done... and all I can say is WOW.. it is VERY Very VERY good... I can't wait to see the movie.. and may even go on opening night!!! I have got to go get the others!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
HELLO warm L.A
I thought I had my crap together.. but I really don't.. I had my suitcase packed on Monday but Now I have decided to check my bag because MINNIE needs her hair cut.. and I need to take alll the crap that they won't allow on the dumb plane!! (for the sake of national security, I am fine with it!! REALLY) Also I think I need my hair touched up.. since it is a HAIR COLOR conference!!! I will be getting to that at about 8:00 tonight!!!!
I have to leave my house at 6:00AM and my plane leaves at a bit before 9!! I ammmm sooooo excccittteeeeeed!!!! and a bit nervous... I don't fly by myself EVERYDAY!! I bought Twilight to read on the plane, Minnie says it is a MUST!!!! I also am a bit nervous about the whole Hair Color class!!!!! I hope I can keep up!!! LOL ;) I am sure I can.. but STILLLLL I have been in this business for 18 years!!!!! I will take lots of pictures.. We go to Disneyland on Saturday so I will make sure and say HI to Mickey!!!! I also get to meet all of Minnie's "new" kids!!
So I better go finish up on all the things I am not doing while sitting here on the computer!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
NO JOKE nor Killing Clown, another Halloween has passed

And since Fresh Prince can't seem to decide if he is a "big boy" or not he decided to dress up and take Simba out... AUNT MINNIE... does he scare you??? He was pretty darn freaky and one house actually asked him to take off the mask cause her small children were helping her hand out candy and they were scared of him!! geesh!!!! seriously!!.. I have this memory of Fresh Prince who loved his spider man and power ranger costumes sooo much that sometimes in the middle of JULY , I would be doing a clients nails and here he would come allll decked out in spideyware just to watch cartoons.. he was constantly in his costumes.. it was very very cute and seems like a life time ago... NOW he dresses like a killing clown.. good thing he doesn't wear that around all the time I might have to get him professional help!!!
We made it back from Mayberry and were out of town 26 hours!! TOOO fast of a trip.. and the trailer would have probably been fine.. but now we have piece of mind!! Sunshine did a great job with FP they went to the playoff football game and then went to Red Robin with a group of kids I had a friend there and she filled me in on them... and they passed the test.. I told them to be home by 11:45.. and they called at 11:15.. by the way they called on the cell phone.. which I returned with a call on the house phone making up an excuse that they hadn't answered the cell phone... (just making double sure they were REALLY home)!! I also had the neighbor next door keeping an eye on them... you can never be tooooo on top of them!!
We also squeezed in a small group of Simbas friends to do a trip to Chuck E. Cheese and a game of touch football for his birthday celebration.. not a BIG deal this year... We are talking next year about doing a Costume birthday/Halloween party... since it will be a weekend.. I better start planning NOW.. sales might be great right now????
We have also finished FOOTBALL... we are now going to slow down sooo much we probably won't know what to do with ourselves!!! Simba is doing an indoor soccer team on Saturdays but no practices.. and Fresh Prince will be doing a basketball clinic all week and tryouts next week but the season really doesn't ramp up until January.. a few games but not bad... unfortunately The Man is going to be terribly busy until after Thanksgiving is over... so I guess everything will equal out.. I also will get terribly busy with "holiday dooo's" from now until Christmas. Good thing!!!
Today is Class time at Simbs room so I better run... :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So here is a good one... he wants his "friend" birthday at Chuck E Cheese on Saturday....LOL from Hooters to Chuck E Cheese.. What a confused little boy!!! LOL geesh!!!!
The Man is worried about our trailer... so Simba, me and The Man are headed to Mayberry for a quick 24 hour trip... leaving tomorrow after school and back on Friday.. OH man this will be the first time we are leaving the 2 kids behind.... CHELLE... good thing we don't have a HOT TUB!!! lol....I have several people watching after them.. from a far!! LOL
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Brithday Simba

Monday, October 27, 2008
The BEST Day EVER....

Friday, October 24, 2008
Agreeing to Disagree!!! :O)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I am OVER the sports!

Where do I start... My parents visit was very nice (didn't think I would say that did ya??) of course it was only about 26 hours long!!! :) lol We won't see them again until the 18th of December!!! Then they will be the great pioneers until about April!!! Awww.. to be retired!!!
This is Simba last week after a warm bath after the COLD ASS game!!
Simba won his football game this weekend, 4 touchdown were made and thanks to Simba's great blocking.. they were all to his side!! He also scored one of the extra points!!! They looked like completely different kids from the week before... LOL NOT FROZEN it was actually PERFECT football weather!! Since Simba won, I think our trip to Mayberry is out!! I was reallllllly needing a trip!!! I at least have LA to look forward to!! I am VERY excited to see my MINNIE!!!!

Fresh Prince has his last football game on Sat. and I am quite happy to be wrapping up on all THREE sports between the 2 of them... FP also has a basketball tournament on Saturday.. so we start out the day at FP football game then run Simba to his last soccer game.. THEN I run FP to a basketball tournament and The Man takes Simba to his football game... with them alll to wrap up just in time for us to get our costumes on for the Halloween Bunko party!!! geesh I think I will just sleep ALLLLL day Sunday!! :)
We will see how we survive!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sports and empty pockets!!
He is a wide receiver opposite of... welllll probably the most talented player on the team, this player plays both sides of the ball, and averages 2 touchdowns and and 1 or 2 interceptions a game!!!! With that being said, Fresh Prince has been thrown to 2 times ALLLLL season (and by the way caught BOTH of them) So last night was a "poor me" ride home, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... I have HAD it!! So when Fresh prince started in about never playing football again, and not being happy to play the WHOLE game... I simply said to him... "then don't play"... "play golf, play tennis" .... "I don't care what you do as long as you are HAPPY"... then I added... (with reverse psychology in mind)... "then your Dad won't feel so torn by not being able to make both your games and Simbas game!!!!" ) Now The Man thought I might have gone too far... I guess time will tell!! ?????
Simba starts playoff games tomorrow, and depending on if they win or loose, we will be changing our plans and NOT going to Mayberry for Halloween!! I was looking forward to doing something a bit different for the Spoookkky event!!! I guess we will see. Simba has also decided that he can not possibly let grass grow under his feet so we have signed him up for INDOOR soccer which will be one of two sessions, November-January or January-March... I would prefer Nov-Jan...for the simple fact that Jan-March is Basketball and Nov-Jan would normally be starting wrestling...BUT Simba Hated it last year..even though he has been doing it since he was 4!!!!!!!!! He wants to give it a break!! so the idea of having ONE sport at a time is AWESOME!!
Sunshine brought home to first of many senior packets that included GRADUATION INVITATIONS!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe it is time to do this.... PINCH ME!!! Where in the hell did 18 years go?????????? The Man and I are trying to figure out party ideas... which will HAVE to include her father!!! YUCK... I am not sure I want to have it at my house so he and his family can SNOOP!!!! We will have to see on that one as well!!! OH by the way Sunshine also got her class photo taken... and again ....GEESH. 2 class pictures one serious one funny.. were $40.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW.. I am also going to be broke by the end of this year!!!!
Oh by the way My parents are coming for a short 2 day stay tomorrow... I think I will be okay NON-Medicated!! LOL....I will keep them on hand by just in case!! (wink)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Should I be worried
The Man is still in bed, I guess he is taking a vacation day???.. he surprises me every once and a while with a "day off" which usually ends up being a productive day with some kind of a "project" I am thinking today might be the garage... as it needs a good straightening since Minnnie's stuff is out and we are going to need the cars in there for the winter!!! We will see :)
Simba has a pumpkin run today...the 2nd grade will run 1.5 miles, and at the end he receives a pumpkin, so I am sure this evening will mean a de-gutting of the poor thing. I am sure pictures will fallow.
Monday, October 13, 2008
In laws, floods and Halloween
Fresh Prince had his game rescheduled on Saturday until this afternoon, and Simba had a game on Saturday too, so alll the family got to go watch Simba, it was FREEEEEZZZZING to say the least, Simba didn't play very good, and that could be on the part of his hands looking like they were ready to crack off!! Every time he would come out to the sidelines I would run over and try to warm them up! It was truly football weather!!!
I have been spending every Sunday doing some deeeeppp cleaning of closets, drawers, and just purging! I have about 5 big bags to go to the second hand store!!I have about 5 more places to clean, Thank God for Football. I get reallllly board after a bit, so I have nothing else to do, why not clean?
Speaking of second had stores, we HAD to go get Simba some MORE pants, all the BRAND NEW ones we bought at the beginning of the school year are already looking like he is expecting a flood!!! While we were there I found a wig for me for Halloween, (yes, it was new not USED!!)The Man and I have decided to be DOG the bounty hunter and Beth!! LOL Thanks to Donna, it is a great idea, I have the rest of my costume which has a WAY more revealing top than I am used to wearing and SKIN tight pants!! LOL I am going to be soooooo embarrassed!!! OH WELL... I still have to find some HEELS!
We are having a Bunco Halloween party with our group, I can't wait to see everyone elses costume. Should be fun it is on the 23rd.
On actual Halloween we are going to Mayberry! We have our camper (that we only used for The Man to go hunting in) stored at my Grandma and Grandpa's house and we need to winterize it, we are leaving it there so we can actually park in our garage!! So we will do the Simbas Trick or Treating down there, and probably go hang and the popular watering hole, get a buzz on and well... that is about all you do in Mayberry!! :)
I am sooo excited to go to L.A I have not gone anywhere by myself since I was single!! 17 years ago!!! It will be a great experience and The Man is more than able to hold the fort down.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunshine worked alllll weekend, her job at the Mini Pepsi center known as the BEC had a full weekend of activities, starting with a famous Mexican singer, a Cage fighting night, then the Olympic Gymnasts,(which she got to meet! she was very excited) and last night was a concert with Weezer etc (beats me I have no idea who they are) with all these events she worked almost 40 hours!!!!! she has a break till next weekend.
Fresh Prince and Simba both had football games at the same time on Sat. so we split and I went with FP since The Man coaches Simba, we made it to see about 15 plays of his game because they started late, we then made it for Simba to play 1/2 a soccer game, which he has only been able to make 2 all year because of scheduling conflicts!
The Man and I made it out for "Date Night" on Friday night with friends, it was fun just to get out!!! We need to start doing more of this but it is sooooo easy to just collapse on the couch after a busy week of appointments and alllll the running of kids!! I would like to go to some movies...NOT The Mans idea of a "date" but we need to mix it up a bit!
My In-Laws come tomorrow till Sunday!! (I think I will go with out medication) WELLLLL unless it gets too bad, not really they are usually pretty easy and laid back, but sometimes they do get on my LAST nerve, good thing they didn't come last week!!!! yikes in-laws AND PMS!!! that would be bad!!!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bad parenting??
The Man: Whats Wrong
Meli: I am a horrible parent and you might be better off at this by yourself
The Man: Oh now I think you are overreacting
Meli: after a long explanation of the above conversation
The Man: Meli, are our kids good kids
Meli: yes, I think so
The Man: well they spend a heck of a lot more time with you than the do me
so I would say you are doing a fine job
Meli: sobbing... ooookkkkaaaayyyy
end of story....
BUT there are days that I feel I am too hard, toooo whatever, but I also don't ever want to error the other way and have any regrets and have a MESS... Oh gosh I am sure part of this is still the WONDERFUL hormones... but really PARENTING IS HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Whomever said you had MORE patience the OLDER you get SHOULD BE SHOT!!! :-)
Monday, September 29, 2008
I survived!!!!!!!
The "after party/sleepover" with Fresh Prince was okay I guess... they didn't go to bed till 4! so he was tired alllll afternoon. We will see if this kid gets to have another "after party/sleepover" sounds like a few kids had booze!!! but boy if mine had any of it he had good cover cause I smelled him up and down... a few kids were throwing up... geesh... I was his age when I had one of my first drunk experiences!!! I just can't imagine either of them doing that!! Times really have changes though. WAY different!!
Sunshine was home by 11:20 and was also invited to an "after party/sleepover" I declined... one.)because she was already home.. two.)it wasn't preplanned and I had NO idea who or where she was going or IF parents were there or not... I told her I would let her do those after partys for Prom and Graduation... gosh I hate this part of parenting!!! She was fine with it though. She also is PMSing and is home sick today she gets sick to her stomach almost EVERY month.. I think it is time to take her to the Obgyn as well... DIDN'T I just say I am really not liking this part of parenting??????
Today is a volunteer day at Simba's school.. I love this part of parenting! I try to be there around his lunch time, so we can have lunch together.. he loves that.. for whatever reason...???? So I guess I better wrap up and get to school. :)
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008
Homecoming!!! WOW
Sunshine had to wear a toga today... well ummm that was a new one for me so she wanted to Google it so I could get directions!!! geesh.. remember I am CREATIVE!! I said NO!!! and if I say so my self she looked GREAT and it even pleated like I actually KNEW what I was doing!! :) Yay ME!!! Fresh Prince got to wear his uniform.. soooo big and bad!!! and soooo cute!!!!!

I can not believe this is the end for Sunshine of alll the fun High School events and the beginning for Fresh Prince!!! WOW where has the time gone??
Oh, I have officially decided to got to a Colorist symposium I'm LA. November 7th, I will get to meet my sis Minnie and we will spend one day at Disneyland, and who knows what else.. maybe go star gazing??? it will be tons of fun and a tax right off as well as great knowledge.. I love doing hair color so WHY not!!! I am excited to see what I might learn.. or how much I THOUGHT I knew!!!! !:)
That about all....for now....
1 small disclaimer... the picts are a bit dark!! remember this was 6:30 this morning!!!!!! poor kids!!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
LONG time no POST

Sunday, September 7, 2008
The end of another busy week
An update on Fresh Prince.. he did talk with his football coach and was told he would try to get him some more playing time. They had their first home game on Thursday and he played about the same amount, boy this sport will give parents and players thick skin!!! They did arrange a scrimmage for Saturday and starters sat out, Fresh Prince played a lot!! and had a TOUCHDOWN!!! it was great AND I got it on film AND managed to shoot the play and not the GRASS!! :) I hope it showed the coach he CAN do it???? We will see.. We get to travel to Ft. Collins on Thursday so I hope we do drive all that way to watch him play 7 minutes!!!
Simba also had a game at the same time as Fresh Prince, these are the years I dreaded, when we would have to split up and go to separate games.. Simba KNOCKED a kid out.. geesh.. he loves to hit!!I can't wait to see THAT on film!!
Fresh Prince also has his first Basketball game today for his Jam team.. they play on Sundays just to keep in practice.. so at 4:30 we will be off to sit on MORE bleachers!! yippee.
We also worked the Varsity concession stand on Friday night, we had a great group of Freshman parents and it was actually FUN... The Man was hating the idea but I think he did okay!! He is polar opposite of me when it comes to outgoingness (is that a word? well if not,it should be)!! He settled in and did fine, Simba was right by his side helping out too so that made it fun, Sunshine was under the weather with allergies or a cold so she stayed home.
Sunshine's Senior pictures are in.. I can't wait to load a few on here.. just waiting on the disk. WOW... she took some great picts. My sis said that is the first time she really saw a resemblance between her and I... I kept telling her while we were taking the picts how pretty she looked, gosh what I would give to have BLUE eyes... mine our brown.. and allllll my kids have BEAUTIFUL Blue eyes!!! I love that!!
I am assuming my dear friend Chelle is having the time of her life, it appears all the hurricanes when north and missed them.. can't wait to hear how it was. She must be living right to have 4 hurricanes dodge them. :)
Well I guess today I am going to settle back for a day of watching football.. some football is fine but by about 1/2 way through the season I get a bit sick of it.. The Man is on a fantasy team.. so that is like MAN HEAVEN with the remote in hand at allll times.. I played a few years and it does make the time go faster.. and my interest peaked UNTILLLLL I was in last place.. guess you just can't pick positions by the way they look in their uniforms (wink, wink) sigh.. so I will leave it to the Big Boys! HUMMM I need get back to scrapbooking or something!!! I have a ton to do. Sundays would be perfect!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Starting off the week
The Man checked in yesterday, with a great story of an ALMOST..(wished I had a $100 for every almost story I have heard) along with being informed it has rained the ENTIRE time they have been there (ummm. I can't even imagine what the inside of my camper looks like YIKES) I again asked him "why do you like this?" he said "oh, it's the rush" ummmmm... okay.. this is for sure where male and female (well most females) are defined. the taking off and landing of an airplane leading to a vacation that includes.. SUN, SAND and SOME KIND of COCKTAIL!! OR SUN, SWIMMING POOLS and the Ka CHING of the slot machines!!! :) But if he is happy that is all that matters.
I do know however today is about allll I can take, the kids have been good, and absent a lot of the weekend but MOMMA is getting lonely!!! My late night movie watching in bed is starting to take a tole on me. I have watched, Anger Management, Oceans Thirteen, and FINALLY..I know I know the Notebook!!! lol we don't have much time to watch Movies!! I have a lot of movie watching to do!!!!!
Today is feeling like a fall day, oh, how I do love fall..the crisp air feels sooo good!!
My very good friend Chelle is leaving for her and Hugh's 15 yr anniversary vacation (go away alll you DAMN hurricanes).. first of all WOW where has the time gone.. It was a beautiful wedding, I had just moved to the big city and Sunshine was 3!! geesh.. it seems like yesterday (well maybe last year!) We lost touch as our families grew, I am so glad I reconnected with her in Mayberry! The best part is it feels like we had never missed a beat, I hold her and all our past memories in my heart (minus the part with the assholes, I think we stayed with those two just cause we enjoyed hanging out together soooo much!!!) I can't wait to make new memories. Have a wonderful time Chelle.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tears, the Elkless wonder, and squeeky clean
After breakfast it was off to the football game.. which might I add was HEARTBREAKING.. don't get me wrong we won 22-0.. but MY son..MY son.. sat the bench till the last 8 minutes of the game.. now I know I am biased, but he has been playing on BOTH SIDES of the ball for 7 years!!! and SERIOUSLY he is 3rd string.. I sat there wanting to cry.. knowing I couldn't.. his 4 plays were great, okay 3 plays were great one play was wellllll not great, but WHO can be 100% alll the time?????NOT ME!! Lord knows!
I picked Fresh Prince up at the school, and spent the rest of the afternoon trying my hardest to LIGHTEN Up the MOOD.. but it was a mute point.. I tried role playing with him on what he could say to the coach.. throwing in the "bright side" that he is making friends and is part of the "big picture" but pretty much was told to leave it alone.( I can't help it I am a problem solver!)...So it was left alone... that was until we were on our way to meet my sister and her Bo for dinner which we had 30 minutes of undivided attention uh um.. with a txt message here and a txt message there uh hummm.. and he started to CRY.. now this son is not a cryer, he leaves that up to Simba whom does it on a DAILY basis!! I have to tell you it BROKE MY HEART!!! I cried, he cried.. and then HE WAS ALL BETTER!! He decided he is talking to to coach on Monday..YES Monday...LABOR day.. he has practice a t 5:00pm, and he is going to see where it goes from there.. we will see..
The Man called today and started the conversation with ... "would you believe me if I told you that we filled ALL 3 Elk tags and 1 Deer tag?" to which I answered "NO!!!" and he said "you are right", they haven't even seen a trace of one!!It has rained for 15 hours straight! Geesh.. I still do not get the idea of taking HARD earned VACATION time to get up at 3am, climb allll over the mountains..smell like..welllll YOU can imagine.. for NOTHING?????? hummm I wouldn't even do that for the BEST shopping in the world!! :)
Oh and MY house was amazing!! Well.. that was after we got over the shock when we entered to the horrid smell of DOG SHIT.. we have a sweet, gentle dogie.. yes thank you Vic.. she was a dumb friends league dogie and, she is scared to DEATH of the strangest things, so we took precautionary measures and we secured her in her kennel and for WHATEVER reason (although she has not spent more then 1 hr in there in a year) SHIT alll over it.. so after we got her cleaned up and the house aired out I got to sit and look at how a PERFECT house is supposed to look for OH... about 1 hour.. then well life sat back in with cards on the table and butt cheek prints on the furniture..but it is CLEAN!! yippee... what a GIFT.. Hey have I told you about the best guy in the state who sells insurance???? :)
Okay I should be done.
Friday, August 29, 2008
My first blog
So where do I begin.. well the reason I found the time to get this going is because I am a widow this weekend.. a poor hunting widow, it used to bother me when "the man", I will call him. (I take it we should not use real names) sooo any way he used to go hunting I would throw a major attitude, because I of course was left behind to wipe noses and car pool all over kingdom come. Now however I quite enjoy it, not because I don't disparately miss his warm body in the middle of the night or someone to tag team with the kids, but because I get to watch whatever I want, go to bed whenever I want and NOT COOK!!!! (the best part)... OH and have I mentioned since "the man" has changed to bow hunting, our freezer is EMPTY.. it took him about 5 years to even get me to not wrinkle my nose at the idea of cooking it and NOW in the last 8 years he hasn't gotten a thing!! I tease him a lot and quite frankly I need to stop because I am sure it has affected his "manhood".
It is also my Fresh Prince's,. I will call him, very first High School football game.. of course he is just a Freshmen (hence the Fresh...Lol) but he has been playing football since the 1st grade! There is one SMALL problem.. there are 77 freshmen football players.. so we will see if I even get to take an action shot of him??
Also a dear friend of ours moved to Hawaii, he is also our insurance agent.. since "the man" and I are referral machines for him, he is paying to have our house cleaned tomorrow as a thank you gift ... and oh my what a thank you it is!! I am sooo excited! I hate all the Cinderella work, you know baseboards, under the furnature.. in fact that only gets attention about oh, once in a blue moon.. or when my parents are coming to visit.. well .. maybe not even that often, there are just not enough hours in the day!!!!
I'm also hitting the Taste of Colorado this weekend with a girlfriend!! YUMMMM fried dill pickles and turkey legs!!
Love, Meli