Well..let's see...after yesterday's post..which by the way I was a day behind. :) I got "the call" it was my Mom telling me she "might" be visiting THIS WEEKEND.... didn't she just leave?????
Oh gosh, here go the pills again!! She hasn't exactly made up her mind.. we have a cousin who is having a baby shower this weekend and she thinks she needs to be here.... OOOO HHHH goodness... I am going to have to BREATHE deep.. but then they leave for a few months and I will see them at Christmas... then they are in Arizona until about April. I wished I could explain our relationship.. but ... I just can't.. if I put it into few words it would be judgemental, favoring of 1 child, stressful, and hummmm distant. I don't know it is complicated.. I have tried to talk to her but it got a 3 month silent treatment.. geesh.. oh well what do you do?
Simba is doing very well in school and proclaims at least twice a week that "this was the best day of school EVER" I LOVE that because allll summer he was VERY VERY unsure he was going back (ha ha, joke was on him) he wanted me to HOME SCHOOL him... Oh gosh that would have been a DISASTER!!! But he got his Kindergarten teacher who is SOOOO wonderful and PERFECT for him!! and obviously he is loving it! Thank GOD! Last weekend was his first Soccer game (we have never had any of the kids play soccer!) he announced to me that HE was never going to play soccer again if he didn't score a goal!! wellllll.... he did.. now we are doing both soccer and football so not having 2 sports was okay with me so I was a bit... ummm sad.. no I was happy he scored, just welllll reinforced that I will be running ragged allllll fall for who knows how many years! He had to change clothes in the car to get right to his football game.. and was BEAT as well as Mom and Dad were SUNBURNED after the busy day!! But it is all worth it to see him
have fun! This weekend we have to sell merchandise for the Varsity game on Friday night and we have Fresh Prince's Homecoming football game at 9:30 on Saturday fallowed by a party in the parking lot and Simbas football game at 1!! Soccer is out this week because it is at 12 and unless we figure out how to clone him will not be playing both this week!

The other 2 can't decide if they are going to the big Homecoming dance or not... Fresh Prince had a date... but he said she kept disappearing down stairs with a wrestler during lunch!! fallowed by .. I guess he was teaching her some "moves"!! he cracks me up.. so he said he was pretty sure that meant she was going with him! poor kid.. well not really I have to ask him what the "flavor of the weeks" name is... so he is keeping his options open!!! and Sunshine, didn't get asked.. (sound of my heart breaking) so she might meet friends and she might not.. last year she asked a guy from another school and they had a good time... I then recall back to my homecoming dances.. and hummmm I guess I should just be glad she is not TIED DOWN to a boyfriend!! yikes... she did at least listen to my stories there!!
1 comment:
Home schooling, good god; I can't imagine.
Hang in there with your mom! Or, you know, drink a bottle of good winre. I find that usually helps in any stressful situation ;)
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