Gosh I can not believe I have not posted since the 7th of September!! Wasn't that yesterday??? geesh I really don't know were the time goes, I know it is not sitting at the spa getting facials or off on a grand vacation.. but seriously it is the 22nd!!
This is homecoming week for Sunshine and Fresh Prince, yesterday was wear your favorite college shirt day.. well Fresh Prince has this thing for Texas Longhorns... to the point he convinced me to paint his walls BURNT ORANGE.. it actually looks good thanks to some creativity on my part and not doing allll 4 walls!! Sushine also wore a pink Texas shirt that looked great on her. Today was Country club dress... WHATEVER!! that is STUPID.. seriously. so they wore polo shirts .. :) Tomorrow is Jazzercise day.. boy I just might need to go to the school tomorrow and see how many BOYS dress up for that one!! NOW Sunshine on the other had thinks the whole leg warmer idea is awesome.. What happened to Homecoming anyway??? just not the same!
I still figuring out this blogger system and have pictures to add.. I guess I need The Man to go hunting again so I feel 3 or 4 hours on the computer figuring this stuff out is not a total waste of time!!!
My Mom was here for 10 days! My sister moved to California.. :( it was........ let's just say a LONG LONG week...(no my Mom has no idea I blog! So NO ONE send this to her!!) I did Farley well thanks to a few chill pills!!!! but WOW that was long.. I think my Dad has a saying Seafood and house guest both go bad after 3 days!!!! I have to agree... Except for Minnie..(my sister) she can stay longer!! I am actually looking forward to her visits, I loved when she lived In Mayberry and would come spend the week.. okay besides the fact that our daughters fought like sisters it was a ton of fun.. I keep telling myself we will have more quality time when she visits or we visit her, because our lives are so crazy when she lived here we always had something going, she tagged along a lot but I'm sure that was not her actual choice of what she wanted to do!! (So come to think of it.. you probably would have not wanted to read any posts I might have written the last 10 days.. they might have been the making of a mini series drama!!) :)
Wow I rambled there! hope you could fallow all the curves in that one!! OOOOHHH by the way I think I just figured out the picture thing!! :) ENJOY.
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