CAN I just tell you HOW much I hate PMS!! I only have about 2 or 3 BAD months with it... but those 2 or 3 are BIG ONES.. The Man I am sure is ready to KILLLLL me... I snap at everything and EVERYone has an issue.... oh... or is that ME who has the issue????? I really really can't control it... The Man says I can because I am nice to everyone else... I swear I can't... THE other people just DON'T PISS ME OFF!!!!!!! I have an OBGYN appt the end of Oct. and I am going to have to talk about this with her.. I talked to her about it... like 4 years ago and she put me back on birth control pills which TOTOALLY freaked out The Man because he has been snipppppeeeeddd and we don't need that! lol funny boy like I would ever entertain the idea of having to be bitchy to more than ONE man!!!!!
Okay off my soap box
Sunshine and Fresh Prince are off to the BIG dance.... They ... well Fresh Prince asked Sunshine to go with him and his friends to dinner... smart boy because sister= RIDE!!

I would have to say the hardest thing as a parent is a) watching your beautiful daughter go solo to a dance.. and to know how beautiful she is and what a great heart she has and BOYS are DUMB!!! and b) knowing when to pull the reigns back on Mr. social!! who has an "after party" to go to at one of the football players houses... and YES, I talked to a parent to make sure they were there... none of this Chelle and Meli stuff happenin here!! I know alllll the tricks.. I really don't think he needed to go... but EVERYONE is going... and HOW could he be left out!!! geesh.. I told him I will give him the rope he can choose to hang himself with it or it be his "short" leash to do more things.. I hope I made the right decision. The Man is usually the iron fist with Fresh Prince but when I was thinking about changing my mind and making him come home The Man said give him the chance and if he messes up then he will NEVER do any of that stuff again! We will see... ??? uck!
Through my PMS colored glasses (screw rose colored) I have loved today.. the weather is beautiful and I LOVE fall.. ummm well falummer.. might be a better word.. it was high 80's
today!!! I got another sunburn! I forget sunscreen is needed in falummer!!! and being outside from 9:30-3:00 DUH I should remember.. oh and both boys won their games!! It was a good day.. DAMN PMS.. I could probably be at a really nice dinner if my mouth could be nice The Man would probably like that.. welll probably food in general he would like, but IM NOT cooking tonight.. but we have NO kids and we are sitting here in silence cause I am a BITCH!!! lol ... oh gosh this tooooo will pass!!! THANK GOD!!
I am stilllll seriously having a discussion with EVE when and IF I get to heaven... WHAT was she thinking!!! She gave us allll kinds of issues we wouldn't have DAMN SATAN!!!! :)
1 comment:
I'm with you on the PMS IS THE DEVIL thing.
The kids looked so great! Did they have a good time at the dance?
God, remember those days?
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