Today is Simba's 8th Birthday!! I can't believe it!! I look back on years of headaches/screaming at the top of your lungs... self initiating breast feedings and Co sleeping with a foot in my rib-jaw-back.... and then remember how EXTRA special you are.. from the moment we found out we were pregnant RIGHT before my 30th birthday, which was my cut off point for kido's... to the bittersweet day of finding out you were a BOY and buying a Salon allllll in one day to the NEXT day being told you were going to have Down syndrome!!
All I can say is Thank God my wonderful husband had introduced me to having a relationship with God.... whom had a little talk with me on that VERY VERY scary night and told me "greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world" a phrase I will NEVER forget! One that also pulled me through that month of waiting for the amino results.. to find out EVERYTHING was FINE!!!!
I also remember the special special day 8 years ago when The Man delivered the little Simba with the Dr. as HIS side kick... the Dr. said she had never seen a 'non experienced" person look like it was soooo natural!! NOW given Simba was the only child that I used drugs with... I think knowing that my husband was on the receiving end of the whole thing would have been more than I could have handled without them!!! :)
Simba has always been extra special with all these memories and his heart for God, he was 5 when he recited the lords prayer.. and also watched Passion of Christ and totally knew the whole story.. from the disciples and being in the garden to bawling his eyes out ALONG with all of us at the cross scene and saying "HE did that FOR US!!!"
Simba is getting easier and easier every day.. crying is getting less and less and wow!!!! Then I think only one more birthday in the single digits!!! (wiping tears!!) wow it is unbelievable!!
I was watching Brothers and Sisters this week and Sally Fields said it best when Sara asked her how she did not loose her mind raising all of them... she said "oh I did, I just went with it day by day and lived for those special moments each one of you would give me that made me so proud to be a Mom"... That was a WONDERFUL line and oh so true.. day to day is really hard to be a Mom.. but those stolen moments make it OH so WORTH it.
Happy Birthday Simba... I am proud to be your Mom!!! I love you more than you will EVER know.
Happy Birthday to Simba! What a bad Aunt Minnie - I had totally forgotten! Bad me!
Awwww! I hope his birthday was awesome :)
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