Monday, October 6, 2008

Another busy weekend has passed and I am back to my favorite morning ritual! It is chilly this morning, but I welcome the change. I am thinking the nights of sleeping with the bedroom window open is coming to a close.. BOO hoo.. I love that crisp feeling in the bedroom in the morning plus it makes The Man cuddle!! :)

Sunshine worked alllll weekend, her job at the Mini Pepsi center known as the BEC had a full weekend of activities, starting with a famous Mexican singer, a Cage fighting night, then the Olympic Gymnasts,(which she got to meet! she was very excited) and last night was a concert with Weezer etc (beats me I have no idea who they are) with all these events she worked almost 40 hours!!!!! she has a break till next weekend.

Fresh Prince and Simba both had football games at the same time on Sat. so we split and I went with FP since The Man coaches Simba, we made it to see about 15 plays of his game because they started late, we then made it for Simba to play 1/2 a soccer game, which he has only been able to make 2 all year because of scheduling conflicts!

The Man and I made it out for "Date Night" on Friday night with friends, it was fun just to get out!!! We need to start doing more of this but it is sooooo easy to just collapse on the couch after a busy week of appointments and alllll the running of kids!! I would like to go to some movies...NOT The Mans idea of a "date" but we need to mix it up a bit!

My In-Laws come tomorrow till Sunday!! (I think I will go with out medication) WELLLLL unless it gets too bad, not really they are usually pretty easy and laid back, but sometimes they do get on my LAST nerve, good thing they didn't come last week!!!! yikes in-laws AND PMS!!! that would be bad!!!!!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Sounds like a super-busy weekend but, really, isn't that normal? I hear you on the date-nigh thing-it really is easier to collapse on the couch at the end of the week, we just aren't the spring chickens we used to be!

As for the pinecone thing, we use them to make birdfeeders for the winter birds-you smother them with cheap peanut butter then coat that with birdseed and hang them in the trees. The birds love them and the kids love making them.