Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bad parenting??

So yesterday I let Simba play at a friends house after school (Wednesdays are early release, so he is home by 1:30) I told him I would pick him up in 1 hour.. which happened to be the same time I take Fresh Prince back to school for football practice. Soooo I had a short visit with the Mom and headed out the door. I noticed Simba was in the back seat playing with a toy car, and asked him where it had come from, he told me his friend "gave" it to him... now, I know REMEMBER I was a KID!! that some times it is a "gave" and sometimes they just don't want to tell you NO or whatever so, I went into explaining that he might just have told him he could have it because it was a gesture of being a friend... but did the Mom know he "gave" it to him???? He was arguing with me, and I did have a slightly elevated voice.. WHEN out of the passenger seat came a comment........... "I can see why Simba is always grumpy.. you yell at him allllll the time"... so now my "lesson" is being totally turned around.. hummmmm.... I have to admit, this little Simba is giving me every ounce of RUN FOR MY MONEY, and he takes a jack hammer to get anything through his head.. so I was maybe more than slightly raising my voice... but now Fresh Prince overstepped a boundary even The Man and I don't go, a rule we have it to NEVER disagree in front of the kids!! So Fresh Prince has made me reexamine my "style" of parenting... I actually dropped FP off and called The Man in tears... with a conversation that went something like this:
The Man: Whats Wrong
Meli: I am a horrible parent and you might be better off at this by yourself
The Man: Oh now I think you are overreacting
Meli: after a long explanation of the above conversation
The Man: Meli, are our kids good kids
Meli: yes, I think so
The Man: well they spend a heck of a lot more time with you than the do me
so I would say you are doing a fine job
Meli: sobbing... ooookkkkaaaayyyy
end of story....
BUT there are days that I feel I am too hard, toooo whatever, but I also don't ever want to error the other way and have any regrets and have a MESS... Oh gosh I am sure part of this is still the WONDERFUL hormones... but really PARENTING IS HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Whomever said you had MORE patience the OLDER you get SHOULD BE SHOT!!! :-)

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Parenting IS hard. Now, don't you feel guilty for all the shit we pulled on our parents?

Yeah, me neither ;)