Simbas Birthday went good.. He had to go to his LAST football practice... which he felt was totally wrong because it WAS HIS Birthday!! After practice.. he chose the dinner spot.. HOOTERS!!! We have gone there for a few birthdays... I think this has always been a HOT SPOT because the girls have always loved on him.. wellll this year... they took him up front put serving trays under his arms put a snow cone "beak" in his mouth and made him flap his arms while they sang Happy Birthday to him... HE WAS SOOOO embarrassed!!!! We were PEEEEING our pants!!!Lol.. when he came back to the table I said "that was FUN, do you want to have your birthday here next year?", His quick response was "NO WAY!!!" lol.. I am sooo mad I forgot the camera.. I would have died to have that on here!!!! BAD MOM!!! I think Sunshine got a pict. on her cell phone.. I forgot to ask I was too busy laughing and feeling a bit sorry for him!!! LOL
So here is a good one... he wants his "friend" birthday at Chuck E Cheese on Saturday....LOL from Hooters to Chuck E Cheese.. What a confused little boy!!! LOL geesh!!!!
The Man is worried about our trailer... so Simba, me and The Man are headed to Mayberry for a quick 24 hour trip... leaving tomorrow after school and back on Friday.. OH man this will be the first time we are leaving the 2 kids behind.... CHELLE... good thing we don't have a HOT TUB!!! lol....I have several people watching after them.. from a far!! LOL
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Brithday Simba

Today is Simba's 8th Birthday!! I can't believe it!! I look back on years of headaches/screaming at the top of your lungs... self initiating breast feedings and Co sleeping with a foot in my rib-jaw-back.... and then remember how EXTRA special you are.. from the moment we found out we were pregnant RIGHT before my 30th birthday, which was my cut off point for kido's... to the bittersweet day of finding out you were a BOY and buying a Salon allllll in one day to the NEXT day being told you were going to have Down syndrome!!
All I can say is Thank God my wonderful husband had introduced me to having a relationship with God.... whom had a little talk with me on that VERY VERY scary night and told me "greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world" a phrase I will NEVER forget! One that also pulled me through that month of waiting for the amino results.. to find out EVERYTHING was FINE!!!!
I also remember the special special day 8 years ago when The Man delivered the little Simba with the Dr. as HIS side kick... the Dr. said she had never seen a 'non experienced" person look like it was soooo natural!! NOW given Simba was the only child that I used drugs with... I think knowing that my husband was on the receiving end of the whole thing would have been more than I could have handled without them!!! :)
Simba has always been extra special with all these memories and his heart for God, he was 5 when he recited the lords prayer.. and also watched Passion of Christ and totally knew the whole story.. from the disciples and being in the garden to bawling his eyes out ALONG with all of us at the cross scene and saying "HE did that FOR US!!!"
Simba is getting easier and easier every day.. crying is getting less and less and wow!!!! Then I think only one more birthday in the single digits!!! (wiping tears!!) wow it is unbelievable!!
I was watching Brothers and Sisters this week and Sally Fields said it best when Sara asked her how she did not loose her mind raising all of them... she said "oh I did, I just went with it day by day and lived for those special moments each one of you would give me that made me so proud to be a Mom"... That was a WONDERFUL line and oh so true.. day to day is really hard to be a Mom.. but those stolen moments make it OH so WORTH it.
Happy Birthday Simba... I am proud to be your Mom!!! I love you more than you will EVER know.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The BEST Day EVER....
This is a statement my son uses a lot when he has had a great day at school.... WELL I happened to have the BEST day EVER yesterday (Sunday) I was a little worried about the day after seeing the huge state of DISASTER the house was in after being mistreated Friday and Saturday with all the whirlwind activities!!!! BUT when I got up I stated my dismay over the house and EVERYONE pulled together took a room or 2 and it was GREAT... I cooked breakfast, gave The Man a Honey do list a mile long and away we went.. it was such a productive day and EVERYONE got along!! NO kids fighting... NO CRYING (that makes it the best day EVER in itself!!!!) It has been a LONG time since the entire Klan has pulled together like that!!
# 15 here is the Starting WR, he is a senior.. Fresh Prince is next to him #89 I could not believe the size difference in 3 years!!! We can only hope FP keeps growing into that #15's jersey and shoes!!
pictures are a little blurry.. D. was too busy laughing her ass off!!! I know I know... Minnie has already commented on the BOOBS... I told her a GREAT push up from Victoria's Secret and the swollen Boobs for the up and coming period helped out TONS!! LOL

It was awesome and our hearts were full of pride watching him stand on the sidelines freezing his little butt off... as were we!! For some dumb reason I guess we thought it was JULY!!! The Man, Simba and I allllll wore jeans, and a light jacket... we ended up buying 2 turtle necks just to help cut the windchill a little bit!! and we took turns holding Simba... who by the way was a troooooppper!! and didn't complain one bit!! (wow best NIGHT ever!!) It was a great experience for FP to be at a new intensity level... and I think it taught him a lot... it was also Senior night and Sunshine had to work!!! She was not happy to be missing all her fellow Senior Boys in there "moment" AND her Brother's debut in a Varsity role , which might I add...she is very very proud of him and to be HIS sister!!
It was a really fun evening though!
Our Saturday was absolutely INSANE!! But everything got done... and YES the Halloween party was a blast... here is the unveiling of DOG the Bounty Hunter and Beth... YES Aunt Minnie it is BETH NOT DOLLY!!!!

Here is the Girls group..
We have Beth (of course) Crystal... the pirate, Flo from Progressive... and Sally oh Mally..the big 50 strrrreeeeetch!! (from Saturday night live..when it was FUNNY!!)

Here we have Magnum PI.. (Sally oh Mallys hubby) Mr. Department of ERECTIONS (Crystals friend)!! geesh.. DOG my love.. and Mr. Will Farrel... (Flo's hubby).... We had others in the other room that were filling in but this was the main group!! We had a good time and we were even home by MIDNIGHT!! That is only the second time The Man and I have dressed up together... Years ago we went as a Bunny and a corrott... I was the Bunny.. it was WAY cute!!
Okay my Picture blog and recap is now complete... hope you enjoyed it! :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Agreeing to Disagree!!! :O)
Do you ever erver ever have those moments as "partners"... "parents" when you just can't agree?????????? WELLLL yesterday was one of those days, Our dear Fresh Prince is sick as a DOG!! He threw up at practice the night before, from coughing so hard.. SO I got a txt at 8:00am that he was miserable! So Sunshine has a 3 hour break in the middle of the day and I told him I would call him out of school and he could come home and rest... of course he was worried that they would not allow him to go to practice if he had missed alll day and I FRANKLY didn't care his health is MORE important... so ring ring phone call (one of many I get a day from The Man) and he disagreed with my decision!!!!!!!!! I think the comment was something like
"some times you just have to SUCK IT UP" ... and "it's up to you but I think YOU should go back to school" HUMMMM... NO wonder my FP is sick... How many other parents do the same thing??? SOOO FP was worried he wouldn't be allowed to practice and there fore would not START the game... UMMMMM remember he is a BLOCKING RECEIVER?? lol but NOW it is important for that ONE play that makes the difference in STARTING or NOT???? GEESH... so FP went back for 7 and 8th hours... and went to practice.... KICKER>>>> HERE IT IS....

HE GOT PICKED TO SUIT UP FOR THE VARSITY GAME TONIGHT AGAINST HORIZON!! I was soooo proud of him!! He probably won't play BUT he got chosen to suit up!!! and THAT is huge for the season we have had..... HUMMMMM wanna place a bet he wants to play football next year NOW????? geesh what a roller coaster!!!
Good thing we had already decided we were going to the game.... WE ARE kinda HOOKED of the excitement of the whole HIGH SCHOOL thing... LOL
Updates to come..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I am OVER the sports!

Where do I start... My parents visit was very nice (didn't think I would say that did ya??) of course it was only about 26 hours long!!! :) lol We won't see them again until the 18th of December!!! Then they will be the great pioneers until about April!!! Awww.. to be retired!!!
This is Simba last week after a warm bath after the COLD ASS game!!
Simba won his football game this weekend, 4 touchdown were made and thanks to Simba's great blocking.. they were all to his side!! He also scored one of the extra points!!! They looked like completely different kids from the week before... LOL NOT FROZEN it was actually PERFECT football weather!! Since Simba won, I think our trip to Mayberry is out!! I was reallllllly needing a trip!!! I at least have LA to look forward to!! I am VERY excited to see my MINNIE!!!!

Fresh Prince has his last football game on Sat. and I am quite happy to be wrapping up on all THREE sports between the 2 of them... FP also has a basketball tournament on Saturday.. so we start out the day at FP football game then run Simba to his last soccer game.. THEN I run FP to a basketball tournament and The Man takes Simba to his football game... with them alll to wrap up just in time for us to get our costumes on for the Halloween Bunko party!!! geesh I think I will just sleep ALLLLL day Sunday!! :)
We will see how we survive!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sports and empty pockets!!
Yesterday was the 2nd to last football game for Fresh Prince.. HE STARTED!!!! Wow how far we have come in the season from not getting to play just the last 2 minutes..... now the ironic part of this... HE WAS STILLLLLLL NOT HAPPY!!
He is a wide receiver opposite of... welllll probably the most talented player on the team, this player plays both sides of the ball, and averages 2 touchdowns and and 1 or 2 interceptions a game!!!! With that being said, Fresh Prince has been thrown to 2 times ALLLLL season (and by the way caught BOTH of them) So last night was a "poor me" ride home, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... I have HAD it!! So when Fresh prince started in about never playing football again, and not being happy to play the WHOLE game... I simply said to him... "then don't play"... "play golf, play tennis" .... "I don't care what you do as long as you are HAPPY"... then I added... (with reverse psychology in mind)... "then your Dad won't feel so torn by not being able to make both your games and Simbas game!!!!" ) Now The Man thought I might have gone too far... I guess time will tell!! ?????
Simba starts playoff games tomorrow, and depending on if they win or loose, we will be changing our plans and NOT going to Mayberry for Halloween!! I was looking forward to doing something a bit different for the Spoookkky event!!! I guess we will see. Simba has also decided that he can not possibly let grass grow under his feet so we have signed him up for INDOOR soccer which will be one of two sessions, November-January or January-March... I would prefer Nov-Jan...for the simple fact that Jan-March is Basketball and Nov-Jan would normally be starting wrestling...BUT Simba Hated it last year..even though he has been doing it since he was 4!!!!!!!!! He wants to give it a break!! so the idea of having ONE sport at a time is AWESOME!!
Sunshine brought home to first of many senior packets that included GRADUATION INVITATIONS!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe it is time to do this.... PINCH ME!!! Where in the hell did 18 years go?????????? The Man and I are trying to figure out party ideas... which will HAVE to include her father!!! YUCK... I am not sure I want to have it at my house so he and his family can SNOOP!!!! We will have to see on that one as well!!! OH by the way Sunshine also got her class photo taken... and again ....GEESH. 2 class pictures one serious one funny.. were $40.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW.. I am also going to be broke by the end of this year!!!!
Oh by the way My parents are coming for a short 2 day stay tomorrow... I think I will be okay NON-Medicated!! LOL....I will keep them on hand by just in case!! (wink)
He is a wide receiver opposite of... welllll probably the most talented player on the team, this player plays both sides of the ball, and averages 2 touchdowns and and 1 or 2 interceptions a game!!!! With that being said, Fresh Prince has been thrown to 2 times ALLLLL season (and by the way caught BOTH of them) So last night was a "poor me" ride home, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... I have HAD it!! So when Fresh prince started in about never playing football again, and not being happy to play the WHOLE game... I simply said to him... "then don't play"... "play golf, play tennis" .... "I don't care what you do as long as you are HAPPY"... then I added... (with reverse psychology in mind)... "then your Dad won't feel so torn by not being able to make both your games and Simbas game!!!!" ) Now The Man thought I might have gone too far... I guess time will tell!! ?????
Simba starts playoff games tomorrow, and depending on if they win or loose, we will be changing our plans and NOT going to Mayberry for Halloween!! I was looking forward to doing something a bit different for the Spoookkky event!!! I guess we will see. Simba has also decided that he can not possibly let grass grow under his feet so we have signed him up for INDOOR soccer which will be one of two sessions, November-January or January-March... I would prefer Nov-Jan...for the simple fact that Jan-March is Basketball and Nov-Jan would normally be starting wrestling...BUT Simba Hated it last year..even though he has been doing it since he was 4!!!!!!!!! He wants to give it a break!! so the idea of having ONE sport at a time is AWESOME!!
Sunshine brought home to first of many senior packets that included GRADUATION INVITATIONS!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe it is time to do this.... PINCH ME!!! Where in the hell did 18 years go?????????? The Man and I are trying to figure out party ideas... which will HAVE to include her father!!! YUCK... I am not sure I want to have it at my house so he and his family can SNOOP!!!! We will have to see on that one as well!!! OH by the way Sunshine also got her class photo taken... and again ....GEESH. 2 class pictures one serious one funny.. were $40.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW.. I am also going to be broke by the end of this year!!!!
Oh by the way My parents are coming for a short 2 day stay tomorrow... I think I will be okay NON-Medicated!! LOL....I will keep them on hand by just in case!! (wink)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Should I be worried
Today is hump day, middle of the week. Usually I would be sitting here getting ready for another busy day. WELLLLL.... I think the wonderful economy has finally caught up with me!!! I have 2 appointments on the books today, I had one yesterday that was a NO SHOW!!! and I have 2 on Friday. I usually have appointments from 10-7 Tues-Thurs. and I average 25-30 appointments a week WOW... I have to just stay calm.. and know that pretty much my earnings are just our play money and that it just means we PLAY LESS... I also need to remember it is always a bit slower in October, as people are waiting so they have knock out hair for the holidays, and in about 4 weeks I will WISH I had 5 clients in a week!! I also have this slow period right after the holidays, which is always welcome after the busy Holiday season!!!
The Man is still in bed, I guess he is taking a vacation day???.. he surprises me every once and a while with a "day off" which usually ends up being a productive day with some kind of a "project" I am thinking today might be the garage... as it needs a good straightening since Minnnie's stuff is out and we are going to need the cars in there for the winter!!! We will see :)
Simba has a pumpkin run today...the 2nd grade will run 1.5 miles, and at the end he receives a pumpkin, so I am sure this evening will mean a de-gutting of the poor thing. I am sure pictures will fallow.
The Man is still in bed, I guess he is taking a vacation day???.. he surprises me every once and a while with a "day off" which usually ends up being a productive day with some kind of a "project" I am thinking today might be the garage... as it needs a good straightening since Minnnie's stuff is out and we are going to need the cars in there for the winter!!! We will see :)
Simba has a pumpkin run today...the 2nd grade will run 1.5 miles, and at the end he receives a pumpkin, so I am sure this evening will mean a de-gutting of the poor thing. I am sure pictures will fallow.
Monday, October 13, 2008
In laws, floods and Halloween
I survived my in-laws!! They are not that bad, I find that if I spend a little of the evening in my room watching my shows, it gives The Man and the kids time to visit, they aren't here to see me! :)
Fresh Prince had his game rescheduled on Saturday until this afternoon, and Simba had a game on Saturday too, so alll the family got to go watch Simba, it was FREEEEEZZZZING to say the least, Simba didn't play very good, and that could be on the part of his hands looking like they were ready to crack off!! Every time he would come out to the sidelines I would run over and try to warm them up! It was truly football weather!!!
I have been spending every Sunday doing some deeeeppp cleaning of closets, drawers, and just purging! I have about 5 big bags to go to the second hand store!!I have about 5 more places to clean, Thank God for Football. I get reallllly board after a bit, so I have nothing else to do, why not clean?
Speaking of second had stores, we HAD to go get Simba some MORE pants, all the BRAND NEW ones we bought at the beginning of the school year are already looking like he is expecting a flood!!! While we were there I found a wig for me for Halloween, (yes, it was new not USED!!)The Man and I have decided to be DOG the bounty hunter and Beth!! LOL Thanks to Donna, it is a great idea, I have the rest of my costume which has a WAY more revealing top than I am used to wearing and SKIN tight pants!! LOL I am going to be soooooo embarrassed!!! OH WELL... I still have to find some HEELS!
We are having a Bunco Halloween party with our group, I can't wait to see everyone elses costume. Should be fun it is on the 23rd.
On actual Halloween we are going to Mayberry! We have our camper (that we only used for The Man to go hunting in) stored at my Grandma and Grandpa's house and we need to winterize it, we are leaving it there so we can actually park in our garage!! So we will do the Simbas Trick or Treating down there, and probably go hang and the popular watering hole, get a buzz on and well... that is about all you do in Mayberry!! :)
I am sooo excited to go to L.A I have not gone anywhere by myself since I was single!! 17 years ago!!! It will be a great experience and The Man is more than able to hold the fort down.
Fresh Prince had his game rescheduled on Saturday until this afternoon, and Simba had a game on Saturday too, so alll the family got to go watch Simba, it was FREEEEEZZZZING to say the least, Simba didn't play very good, and that could be on the part of his hands looking like they were ready to crack off!! Every time he would come out to the sidelines I would run over and try to warm them up! It was truly football weather!!!
I have been spending every Sunday doing some deeeeppp cleaning of closets, drawers, and just purging! I have about 5 big bags to go to the second hand store!!I have about 5 more places to clean, Thank God for Football. I get reallllly board after a bit, so I have nothing else to do, why not clean?
Speaking of second had stores, we HAD to go get Simba some MORE pants, all the BRAND NEW ones we bought at the beginning of the school year are already looking like he is expecting a flood!!! While we were there I found a wig for me for Halloween, (yes, it was new not USED!!)The Man and I have decided to be DOG the bounty hunter and Beth!! LOL Thanks to Donna, it is a great idea, I have the rest of my costume which has a WAY more revealing top than I am used to wearing and SKIN tight pants!! LOL I am going to be soooooo embarrassed!!! OH WELL... I still have to find some HEELS!
We are having a Bunco Halloween party with our group, I can't wait to see everyone elses costume. Should be fun it is on the 23rd.
On actual Halloween we are going to Mayberry! We have our camper (that we only used for The Man to go hunting in) stored at my Grandma and Grandpa's house and we need to winterize it, we are leaving it there so we can actually park in our garage!! So we will do the Simbas Trick or Treating down there, and probably go hang and the popular watering hole, get a buzz on and well... that is about all you do in Mayberry!! :)
I am sooo excited to go to L.A I have not gone anywhere by myself since I was single!! 17 years ago!!! It will be a great experience and The Man is more than able to hold the fort down.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Another busy weekend has passed and I am back to my favorite morning ritual! It is chilly this morning, but I welcome the change. I am thinking the nights of sleeping with the bedroom window open is coming to a close.. BOO hoo.. I love that crisp feeling in the bedroom in the morning plus it makes The Man cuddle!! :)
Sunshine worked alllll weekend, her job at the Mini Pepsi center known as the BEC had a full weekend of activities, starting with a famous Mexican singer, a Cage fighting night, then the Olympic Gymnasts,(which she got to meet! she was very excited) and last night was a concert with Weezer etc (beats me I have no idea who they are) with all these events she worked almost 40 hours!!!!! she has a break till next weekend.
Fresh Prince and Simba both had football games at the same time on Sat. so we split and I went with FP since The Man coaches Simba, we made it to see about 15 plays of his game because they started late, we then made it for Simba to play 1/2 a soccer game, which he has only been able to make 2 all year because of scheduling conflicts!
The Man and I made it out for "Date Night" on Friday night with friends, it was fun just to get out!!! We need to start doing more of this but it is sooooo easy to just collapse on the couch after a busy week of appointments and alllll the running of kids!! I would like to go to some movies...NOT The Mans idea of a "date" but we need to mix it up a bit!
My In-Laws come tomorrow till Sunday!! (I think I will go with out medication) WELLLLL unless it gets too bad, not really they are usually pretty easy and laid back, but sometimes they do get on my LAST nerve, good thing they didn't come last week!!!! yikes in-laws AND PMS!!! that would be bad!!!!!
Sunshine worked alllll weekend, her job at the Mini Pepsi center known as the BEC had a full weekend of activities, starting with a famous Mexican singer, a Cage fighting night, then the Olympic Gymnasts,(which she got to meet! she was very excited) and last night was a concert with Weezer etc (beats me I have no idea who they are) with all these events she worked almost 40 hours!!!!! she has a break till next weekend.
Fresh Prince and Simba both had football games at the same time on Sat. so we split and I went with FP since The Man coaches Simba, we made it to see about 15 plays of his game because they started late, we then made it for Simba to play 1/2 a soccer game, which he has only been able to make 2 all year because of scheduling conflicts!
The Man and I made it out for "Date Night" on Friday night with friends, it was fun just to get out!!! We need to start doing more of this but it is sooooo easy to just collapse on the couch after a busy week of appointments and alllll the running of kids!! I would like to go to some movies...NOT The Mans idea of a "date" but we need to mix it up a bit!
My In-Laws come tomorrow till Sunday!! (I think I will go with out medication) WELLLLL unless it gets too bad, not really they are usually pretty easy and laid back, but sometimes they do get on my LAST nerve, good thing they didn't come last week!!!! yikes in-laws AND PMS!!! that would be bad!!!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bad parenting??
So yesterday I let Simba play at a friends house after school (Wednesdays are early release, so he is home by 1:30) I told him I would pick him up in 1 hour.. which happened to be the same time I take Fresh Prince back to school for football practice. Soooo I had a short visit with the Mom and headed out the door. I noticed Simba was in the back seat playing with a toy car, and asked him where it had come from, he told me his friend "gave" it to him... now, I know REMEMBER I was a KID!! that some times it is a "gave" and sometimes they just don't want to tell you NO or whatever so, I went into explaining that he might just have told him he could have it because it was a gesture of being a friend... but did the Mom know he "gave" it to him???? He was arguing with me, and I did have a slightly elevated voice.. WHEN out of the passenger seat came a comment........... "I can see why Simba is always grumpy.. you yell at him allllll the time"... so now my "lesson" is being totally turned around.. hummmmm.... I have to admit, this little Simba is giving me every ounce of RUN FOR MY MONEY, and he takes a jack hammer to get anything through his head.. so I was maybe more than slightly raising my voice... but now Fresh Prince overstepped a boundary even The Man and I don't go, a rule we have it to NEVER disagree in front of the kids!! So Fresh Prince has made me reexamine my "style" of parenting... I actually dropped FP off and called The Man in tears... with a conversation that went something like this:
The Man: Whats Wrong
Meli: I am a horrible parent and you might be better off at this by yourself
The Man: Oh now I think you are overreacting
Meli: after a long explanation of the above conversation
The Man: Meli, are our kids good kids
Meli: yes, I think so
The Man: well they spend a heck of a lot more time with you than the do me
so I would say you are doing a fine job
Meli: sobbing... ooookkkkaaaayyyy
end of story....
BUT there are days that I feel I am too hard, toooo whatever, but I also don't ever want to error the other way and have any regrets and have a MESS... Oh gosh I am sure part of this is still the WONDERFUL hormones... but really PARENTING IS HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Whomever said you had MORE patience the OLDER you get SHOULD BE SHOT!!! :-)
The Man: Whats Wrong
Meli: I am a horrible parent and you might be better off at this by yourself
The Man: Oh now I think you are overreacting
Meli: after a long explanation of the above conversation
The Man: Meli, are our kids good kids
Meli: yes, I think so
The Man: well they spend a heck of a lot more time with you than the do me
so I would say you are doing a fine job
Meli: sobbing... ooookkkkaaaayyyy
end of story....
BUT there are days that I feel I am too hard, toooo whatever, but I also don't ever want to error the other way and have any regrets and have a MESS... Oh gosh I am sure part of this is still the WONDERFUL hormones... but really PARENTING IS HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Whomever said you had MORE patience the OLDER you get SHOULD BE SHOT!!! :-)
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