I survived the weekend!!! YIPPEE!!!!! AND the worst PMS I have had in a year!!! I was recalling last year this time I was having these same BAD hormone moments AND dealing with Sunshine totalling our van..and Minnie getting rear ended the SAME day.. and 2 days later Fresh Prince breaking his arm!! geesh.. THAT was a hard 4 days!!!! It made me count my blessings that I just needed to have some silent time to get through this year!!!!
The "after party/sleepover" with Fresh Prince was okay I guess... they didn't go to bed till 4! so he was tired alllll afternoon. We will see if this kid gets to have another "after party/sleepover" sounds like a few kids had booze!!! but boy if mine had any of it he had good cover cause I smelled him up and down... a few kids were throwing up... geesh... I was his age when I had one of my first drunk experiences!!! I just can't imagine either of them doing that!! Times really have changes though. WAY different!!
Sunshine was home by 11:20 and was also invited to an "after party/sleepover" I declined... one.)because she was already home.. two.)it wasn't preplanned and I had NO idea who or where she was going or IF parents were there or not... I told her I would let her do those after partys for Prom and Graduation... gosh I hate this part of parenting!!! She was fine with it though. She also is PMSing and is home sick today she gets sick to her stomach almost EVERY month.. I think it is time to take her to the Obgyn as well... DIDN'T I just say I am really not liking this part of parenting??????
Today is a volunteer day at Simba's school.. I love this part of parenting! I try to be there around his lunch time, so we can have lunch together.. he loves that.. for whatever reason...???? So I guess I better wrap up and get to school. :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
CAN I just tell you HOW much I hate PMS!! I only have about 2 or 3 BAD months with it... but those 2 or 3 are BIG ONES.. The Man I am sure is ready to KILLLLL me... I snap at everything and EVERYone has an issue.... oh... or is that ME who has the issue????? I really really can't control it... The Man says I can because I am nice to everyone else... I swear I can't... THE other people just DON'T PISS ME OFF!!!!!!! I have an OBGYN appt the end of Oct. and I am going to have to talk about this with her.. I talked to her about it... like 4 years ago and she put me back on birth control pills which TOTOALLY freaked out The Man because he has been snipppppeeeeddd and we don't need that! lol funny boy like I would ever entertain the idea of having to be bitchy to more than ONE man!!!!!
Okay off my soap box
Sunshine and Fresh Prince are off to the BIG dance.... They ... well Fresh Prince asked Sunshine to go with him and his friends to dinner... smart boy because sister= RIDE!!

I would have to say the hardest thing as a parent is a) watching your beautiful daughter go solo to a dance.. and to know how beautiful she is and what a great heart she has and BOYS are DUMB!!! and b) knowing when to pull the reigns back on Mr. social!! who has an "after party" to go to at one of the football players houses... and YES, I talked to a parent to make sure they were there... none of this Chelle and Meli stuff happenin here!! I know alllll the tricks.. I really don't think he needed to go... but EVERYONE is going... and HOW could he be left out!!! geesh.. I told him I will give him the rope he can choose to hang himself with it or it be his "short" leash to do more things.. I hope I made the right decision. The Man is usually the iron fist with Fresh Prince but when I was thinking about changing my mind and making him come home The Man said give him the chance and if he messes up then he will NEVER do any of that stuff again! We will see... ??? uck!
Through my PMS colored glasses (screw rose colored) I have loved today.. the weather is beautiful and I LOVE fall.. ummm well falummer.. might be a better word.. it was high 80's
today!!! I got another sunburn! I forget sunscreen is needed in falummer!!! and being outside from 9:30-3:00 DUH I should remember.. oh and both boys won their games!! It was a good day.. DAMN PMS.. I could probably be at a really nice dinner if my mouth could be nice The Man would probably like that.. welll probably food in general he would like, but IM NOT cooking tonight.. but we have NO kids and we are sitting here in silence cause I am a BITCH!!! lol ... oh gosh this tooooo will pass!!! THANK GOD!!
I am stilllll seriously having a discussion with EVE when and IF I get to heaven... WHAT was she thinking!!! She gave us allll kinds of issues we wouldn't have DAMN SATAN!!!! :)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Homecoming!!! WOW
Tonight is the big Homecoming game... I am sure I will have learned NEVER to do merchandise on the ONE day EVERYONE wants to be SPIRITED!!!! Tomorrow is Fresh Princes game!! and the weekend begins!!!
Sunshine had to wear a toga today... well ummm that was a new one for me so she wanted to Google it so I could get directions!!! geesh.. remember I am CREATIVE!! I said NO!!! and if I say so my self she looked GREAT and it even pleated like I actually KNEW what I was doing!! :) Yay ME!!! Fresh Prince got to wear his uniform.. soooo big and bad!!! and soooo cute!!!!!

I can not believe this is the end for Sunshine of alll the fun High School events and the beginning for Fresh Prince!!! WOW where has the time gone??
Oh, I have officially decided to got to a Colorist symposium I'm LA. November 7th, I will get to meet my sis Minnie and we will spend one day at Disneyland, and who knows what else.. maybe go star gazing??? it will be tons of fun and a tax right off as well as great knowledge.. I love doing hair color so WHY not!!! I am excited to see what I might learn.. or how much I THOUGHT I knew!!!! !:)
That about all....for now....
1 small disclaimer... the picts are a bit dark!! remember this was 6:30 this morning!!!!!! poor kids!!!!
Sunshine had to wear a toga today... well ummm that was a new one for me so she wanted to Google it so I could get directions!!! geesh.. remember I am CREATIVE!! I said NO!!! and if I say so my self she looked GREAT and it even pleated like I actually KNEW what I was doing!! :) Yay ME!!! Fresh Prince got to wear his uniform.. soooo big and bad!!! and soooo cute!!!!!

I can not believe this is the end for Sunshine of alll the fun High School events and the beginning for Fresh Prince!!! WOW where has the time gone??
Oh, I have officially decided to got to a Colorist symposium I'm LA. November 7th, I will get to meet my sis Minnie and we will spend one day at Disneyland, and who knows what else.. maybe go star gazing??? it will be tons of fun and a tax right off as well as great knowledge.. I love doing hair color so WHY not!!! I am excited to see what I might learn.. or how much I THOUGHT I knew!!!! !:)
That about all....for now....
1 small disclaimer... the picts are a bit dark!! remember this was 6:30 this morning!!!!!! poor kids!!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Well..let's see...after yesterday's post..which by the way I was a day behind. :) I got "the call" it was my Mom telling me she "might" be visiting THIS WEEKEND.... didn't she just leave?????
Oh gosh, here go the pills again!! She hasn't exactly made up her mind.. we have a cousin who is having a baby shower this weekend and she thinks she needs to be here.... OOOO HHHH goodness... I am going to have to BREATHE deep.. but then they leave for a few months and I will see them at Christmas... then they are in Arizona until about April. I wished I could explain our relationship.. but ... I just can't.. if I put it into few words it would be judgemental, favoring of 1 child, stressful, and hummmm distant. I don't know it is complicated.. I have tried to talk to her but it got a 3 month silent treatment.. geesh.. oh well what do you do?
Simba is doing very well in school and proclaims at least twice a week that "this was the best day of school EVER" I LOVE that because allll summer he was VERY VERY unsure he was going back (ha ha, joke was on him) he wanted me to HOME SCHOOL him... Oh gosh that would have been a DISASTER!!! But he got his Kindergarten teacher who is SOOOO wonderful and PERFECT for him!! and obviously he is loving it! Thank GOD! Last weekend was his first Soccer game (we have never had any of the kids play soccer!) he announced to me that HE was never going to play soccer again if he didn't score a goal!! wellllll.... he did.. now we are doing both soccer and football so not having 2 sports was okay with me so I was a bit... ummm sad.. no I was happy he scored, just welllll reinforced that I will be running ragged allllll fall for who knows how many years! He had to change clothes in the car to get right to his football game.. and was BEAT as well as Mom and Dad were SUNBURNED after the busy day!! But it is all worth it to see him
have fun! This weekend we have to sell merchandise for the Varsity game on Friday night and we have Fresh Prince's Homecoming football game at 9:30 on Saturday fallowed by a party in the parking lot and Simbas football game at 1!! Soccer is out this week because it is at 12 and unless we figure out how to clone him will not be playing both this week!

The other 2 can't decide if they are going to the big Homecoming dance or not... Fresh Prince had a date... but he said she kept disappearing down stairs with a wrestler during lunch!! fallowed by .. I guess he was teaching her some "moves"!! he cracks me up.. so he said he was pretty sure that meant she was going with him! poor kid.. well not really I have to ask him what the "flavor of the weeks" name is... so he is keeping his options open!!! and Sunshine, didn't get asked.. (sound of my heart breaking) so she might meet friends and she might not.. last year she asked a guy from another school and they had a good time... I then recall back to my homecoming dances.. and hummmm I guess I should just be glad she is not TIED DOWN to a boyfriend!! yikes... she did at least listen to my stories there!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
LONG time no POST

Gosh I can not believe I have not posted since the 7th of September!! Wasn't that yesterday??? geesh I really don't know were the time goes, I know it is not sitting at the spa getting facials or off on a grand vacation.. but seriously it is the 22nd!!
This is homecoming week for Sunshine and Fresh Prince, yesterday was wear your favorite college shirt day.. well Fresh Prince has this thing for Texas Longhorns... to the point he convinced me to paint his walls BURNT ORANGE.. it actually looks good thanks to some creativity on my part and not doing allll 4 walls!! Sushine also wore a pink Texas shirt that looked great on her. Today was Country club dress... WHATEVER!! that is STUPID.. seriously. so they wore polo shirts .. :) Tomorrow is Jazzercise day.. boy I just might need to go to the school tomorrow and see how many BOYS dress up for that one!! NOW Sunshine on the other had thinks the whole leg warmer idea is awesome.. What happened to Homecoming anyway??? just not the same!
I still figuring out this blogger system and have pictures to add.. I guess I need The Man to go hunting again so I feel 3 or 4 hours on the computer figuring this stuff out is not a total waste of time!!!
My Mom was here for 10 days! My sister moved to California.. :( it was........ let's just say a LONG LONG week...(no my Mom has no idea I blog! So NO ONE send this to her!!) I did Farley well thanks to a few chill pills!!!! but WOW that was long.. I think my Dad has a saying Seafood and house guest both go bad after 3 days!!!! I have to agree... Except for Minnie..(my sister) she can stay longer!! I am actually looking forward to her visits, I loved when she lived In Mayberry and would come spend the week.. okay besides the fact that our daughters fought like sisters it was a ton of fun.. I keep telling myself we will have more quality time when she visits or we visit her, because our lives are so crazy when she lived here we always had something going, she tagged along a lot but I'm sure that was not her actual choice of what she wanted to do!! (So come to think of it.. you probably would have not wanted to read any posts I might have written the last 10 days.. they might have been the making of a mini series drama!!) :)
Wow I rambled there! hope you could fallow all the curves in that one!! OOOOHHH by the way I think I just figured out the picture thing!! :) ENJOY.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The end of another busy week
Well, it is Sunday morning, we should be in church... but we aren't. It has been a busy week with all the running any one family can handle.
An update on Fresh Prince.. he did talk with his football coach and was told he would try to get him some more playing time. They had their first home game on Thursday and he played about the same amount, boy this sport will give parents and players thick skin!!! They did arrange a scrimmage for Saturday and starters sat out, Fresh Prince played a lot!! and had a TOUCHDOWN!!! it was great AND I got it on film AND managed to shoot the play and not the GRASS!! :) I hope it showed the coach he CAN do it???? We will see.. We get to travel to Ft. Collins on Thursday so I hope we do drive all that way to watch him play 7 minutes!!!
Simba also had a game at the same time as Fresh Prince, these are the years I dreaded, when we would have to split up and go to separate games.. Simba KNOCKED a kid out.. geesh.. he loves to hit!!I can't wait to see THAT on film!!
Fresh Prince also has his first Basketball game today for his Jam team.. they play on Sundays just to keep in practice.. so at 4:30 we will be off to sit on MORE bleachers!! yippee.
We also worked the Varsity concession stand on Friday night, we had a great group of Freshman parents and it was actually FUN... The Man was hating the idea but I think he did okay!! He is polar opposite of me when it comes to outgoingness (is that a word? well if not,it should be)!! He settled in and did fine, Simba was right by his side helping out too so that made it fun, Sunshine was under the weather with allergies or a cold so she stayed home.
Sunshine's Senior pictures are in.. I can't wait to load a few on here.. just waiting on the disk. WOW... she took some great picts. My sis said that is the first time she really saw a resemblance between her and I... I kept telling her while we were taking the picts how pretty she looked, gosh what I would give to have BLUE eyes... mine our brown.. and allllll my kids have BEAUTIFUL Blue eyes!!! I love that!!
I am assuming my dear friend Chelle is having the time of her life, it appears all the hurricanes when north and missed them.. can't wait to hear how it was. She must be living right to have 4 hurricanes dodge them. :)
Well I guess today I am going to settle back for a day of watching football.. some football is fine but by about 1/2 way through the season I get a bit sick of it.. The Man is on a fantasy team.. so that is like MAN HEAVEN with the remote in hand at allll times.. I played a few years and it does make the time go faster.. and my interest peaked UNTILLLLL I was in last place.. guess you just can't pick positions by the way they look in their uniforms (wink, wink) sigh.. so I will leave it to the Big Boys! HUMMM I need get back to scrapbooking or something!!! I have a ton to do. Sundays would be perfect!!
An update on Fresh Prince.. he did talk with his football coach and was told he would try to get him some more playing time. They had their first home game on Thursday and he played about the same amount, boy this sport will give parents and players thick skin!!! They did arrange a scrimmage for Saturday and starters sat out, Fresh Prince played a lot!! and had a TOUCHDOWN!!! it was great AND I got it on film AND managed to shoot the play and not the GRASS!! :) I hope it showed the coach he CAN do it???? We will see.. We get to travel to Ft. Collins on Thursday so I hope we do drive all that way to watch him play 7 minutes!!!
Simba also had a game at the same time as Fresh Prince, these are the years I dreaded, when we would have to split up and go to separate games.. Simba KNOCKED a kid out.. geesh.. he loves to hit!!I can't wait to see THAT on film!!
Fresh Prince also has his first Basketball game today for his Jam team.. they play on Sundays just to keep in practice.. so at 4:30 we will be off to sit on MORE bleachers!! yippee.
We also worked the Varsity concession stand on Friday night, we had a great group of Freshman parents and it was actually FUN... The Man was hating the idea but I think he did okay!! He is polar opposite of me when it comes to outgoingness (is that a word? well if not,it should be)!! He settled in and did fine, Simba was right by his side helping out too so that made it fun, Sunshine was under the weather with allergies or a cold so she stayed home.
Sunshine's Senior pictures are in.. I can't wait to load a few on here.. just waiting on the disk. WOW... she took some great picts. My sis said that is the first time she really saw a resemblance between her and I... I kept telling her while we were taking the picts how pretty she looked, gosh what I would give to have BLUE eyes... mine our brown.. and allllll my kids have BEAUTIFUL Blue eyes!!! I love that!!
I am assuming my dear friend Chelle is having the time of her life, it appears all the hurricanes when north and missed them.. can't wait to hear how it was. She must be living right to have 4 hurricanes dodge them. :)
Well I guess today I am going to settle back for a day of watching football.. some football is fine but by about 1/2 way through the season I get a bit sick of it.. The Man is on a fantasy team.. so that is like MAN HEAVEN with the remote in hand at allll times.. I played a few years and it does make the time go faster.. and my interest peaked UNTILLLLL I was in last place.. guess you just can't pick positions by the way they look in their uniforms (wink, wink) sigh.. so I will leave it to the Big Boys! HUMMM I need get back to scrapbooking or something!!! I have a ton to do. Sundays would be perfect!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Starting off the week
Ahhhh... I love school mornings!! AFTER THEY ARE ALL ON THEIR LITTLE WAY!!! I get Simba on the bus, come home turn on the Today show, have a GREAT BIG cup of coffee, read email ahhhhh ... so relaxing, I then usually push myself to the VERY last minute to get ready for my morning clients... because then my day is just a crazy swinging door. But I really do love it.
The Man checked in yesterday, with a great story of an ALMOST..(wished I had a $100 for every almost story I have heard) along with being informed it has rained the ENTIRE time they have been there (ummm. I can't even imagine what the inside of my camper looks like YIKES) I again asked him "why do you like this?" he said "oh, it's the rush" ummmmm... okay.. this is for sure where male and female (well most females) are defined. Rushes..to me..is the taking off and landing of an airplane leading to a vacation that includes.. SUN, SAND and SOME KIND of COCKTAIL!! OR SUN, SWIMMING POOLS and the Ka CHING of the slot machines!!! :) But if he is happy that is all that matters.
I do know however today is about allll I can take, the kids have been good, and absent a lot of the weekend but MOMMA is getting lonely!!! My late night movie watching in bed is starting to take a tole on me. I have watched, Anger Management, Oceans Thirteen, and FINALLY..I know I know the Notebook!!! lol we don't have much time to watch Movies!! I have a lot of movie watching to do!!!!!
Today is feeling like a fall day, oh, how I do love fall..the crisp air feels sooo good!!
My very good friend Chelle is leaving for her and Hugh's 15 yr anniversary vacation (go away alll you DAMN hurricanes).. first of all WOW where has the time gone.. It was a beautiful wedding, I had just moved to the big city and Sunshine was 3!! geesh.. it seems like yesterday (well maybe last year!) We lost touch as our families grew, I am so glad I reconnected with her in Mayberry! The best part is it feels like we had never missed a beat, I hold her and all our past memories in my heart (minus the part with the assholes, I think we stayed with those two just cause we enjoyed hanging out together soooo much!!!) I can't wait to make new memories. Have a wonderful time Chelle.
The Man checked in yesterday, with a great story of an ALMOST..(wished I had a $100 for every almost story I have heard) along with being informed it has rained the ENTIRE time they have been there (ummm. I can't even imagine what the inside of my camper looks like YIKES) I again asked him "why do you like this?" he said "oh, it's the rush" ummmmm... okay.. this is for sure where male and female (well most females) are defined. Rushes..to me..is the taking off and landing of an airplane leading to a vacation that includes.. SUN, SAND and SOME KIND of COCKTAIL!! OR SUN, SWIMMING POOLS and the Ka CHING of the slot machines!!! :) But if he is happy that is all that matters.
I do know however today is about allll I can take, the kids have been good, and absent a lot of the weekend but MOMMA is getting lonely!!! My late night movie watching in bed is starting to take a tole on me. I have watched, Anger Management, Oceans Thirteen, and FINALLY..I know I know the Notebook!!! lol we don't have much time to watch Movies!! I have a lot of movie watching to do!!!!!
Today is feeling like a fall day, oh, how I do love fall..the crisp air feels sooo good!!
My very good friend Chelle is leaving for her and Hugh's 15 yr anniversary vacation (go away alll you DAMN hurricanes).. first of all WOW where has the time gone.. It was a beautiful wedding, I had just moved to the big city and Sunshine was 3!! geesh.. it seems like yesterday (well maybe last year!) We lost touch as our families grew, I am so glad I reconnected with her in Mayberry! The best part is it feels like we had never missed a beat, I hold her and all our past memories in my heart (minus the part with the assholes, I think we stayed with those two just cause we enjoyed hanging out together soooo much!!!) I can't wait to make new memories. Have a wonderful time Chelle.
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